
every accidental pause is a
half-finished thought
and I'm lingeriing now,
fighting the will to
look around and
see eyes staring back
at me, always staring,
never seeing
when I was younger,
and the world had not yet succumbed
so much to the
disappearance of the ozone layer,
my mind had likewise
the protection it needed to
run rampant,
but now the icecaps are melting and
perhaps I'm not as young as I
once was—
I frequent coffee shops instead of castles and
now I can only fly in
my dreams
a scene at the seine,
quiet with birds
soaring above,
wind in wings fluttering like
stone steps graduate the bank,
the concrete ziggurat of
and I'd be lying if
I said I didn't feel a
fluttering in my
stem cells are said to
be the building blocks of
every other cell,
the key, the
tomorrow, I will see lights
from above like
the cells of a great city,
cars cruising through streets like
blood through a
stoic body
I wonder if
Paris is already inside of me,
unfurling inside my bones,
metro cars chugging desperately
through the channels of my
just as smiles do not
fall off the face like
pebbles off a cliff, there
one moment and
the next,
and how you can't
package the manifestation of a
inside a metal cylinder,
I firmly reject the
physics of
canned laughter
if eve was derived from
woman from man,
and words are derived from
and roots from smaller seeds
planted thousands of years
in the past
all I can think about are
stolen moments,
the dark backseat of your car
when you first reached for my
and I didn't breathe
the whole way home
for fear you'd hear
my blood singing your name
as it coursed through my veins
then I remember that
you're the thief
the blandest sunset will
still be beautiful
colors will fade like
old clothes, washed too
many times
dye runs from thread
but still fibers weave together
and the sky will never unravel;
cloud suspended from hueless space
eventful is a falsehood,
fabricated by your sedated mind
in order to convince yourself
you’ve lived less than you
would’ve liked
because even as you think about the
many facets of each day you
also remember the
blank moments,
the spaces in between breaths and
the moments where the laughter died from your face,
smile slipping off