I' very good at being sneaky. So are ninjas thats why i am a awesome ninja!
Don't hold me back from my calling. Don't call as I leave to go serve my country. I will return some day, when the grass i shall return when the corn is ripe and summer has come again. Don't keep me to the pasture, do not chair me to the plow. Set me free to find my calling and i will return to you some how.
umm.. i really don't know what slouch means.. but it does sound like sloth. And from what i think, I'm pretty sure slouch means your like hunched over or something. Right?
When nothing goes right.. go left.
The man was very passionate about painting and soon became a very famous artist
Does the word still mean that is water that is sitting out for a long time ?
I herd sheep.. what am i ?
As the prisoner sat there in shock of his conviction, I smiled because I knew the judge made the best decision possible.