Some people are uneducated, misguided, what have you. Those people should not be attacked viciously and without mercy. But there's a difference between being innocently ignorant and being willfully ignorant.
Ok, so this is gonna sound fake, but I've been to jail 7,695 times. Only about 8 of those was for things I actually I did. I'm not making this up ok, like, I honestly did not do all the crap they say I did. The immortal know how to mind their own business ok. It wouldn't even make sense for me to steal stuff, I've been around so long I'm rich just from my savings account. But I've got the worst case of bad luck.
It's really tricky. Trying to get more than 140 people to all play different notes at the exact right time while a few yards away from the closest person. Marching band is hard. And there are more than 150 people on the field at a time.
She sucked in a breath. This was it. This was the crystal she had been searching for. All of those idiots back at the office didn't believe her. But she knew she'd find them. And now she had the one thing that could enable the machine to function.