I understand. The chances are likely and I should have known better. There is a probable chance that you are as what I assume and the evidence is so mounting that it would drown us all. You're a liar and a cheat and I hope the world shows you fire for every inch of grass you've laid down.
Memories. Of a time where you weren't so rather, stupid. When things were simple, that message; that kiss. The party, which I hated but I had you so it was ok. That time at the park, that field. That staircase. That time I told you I loved you more then anything and you believed me just for that minute.
Delicious. Hard to swallow. Easy on the eye and easy down the throat. Numbing. Centering the problems instead of telling them to go away. Dreaming about better days dipped in the brown and white dye. Eating and drinking it with friends in a pool of your own vomit.
Imagine. My girlfriend, who is made in my mind, though real as blood, her traits are imagined. Love, being manifested in a new way to tell everyone that its okay to be different. Created into a new method to justify life. Love, manifested as a lie.