
So many options. What to pick. Who to pick. Where do I even begin to choose?
Oh the weather outside is weather, but the fire is so fire. And since we've no place to place. Let it it, let it it, let it it.
We were entwined like vines even if we weren't aware of it.
In a resting position I lay, trying to decide on what to write. Inevitably failing. My chair is weak, creaky, and generally uncomfortable. What story is there to tell when everything has been written. What life is there left to live?
"It's a win for Antelope!" The announcer cries. We've scored the final point of the match. We've won. For the first time in centuries I feel pride again. I can do anything. Anything except walking.
I have more than enough strains on what I can do right now. I do not need your child adding more.
Our gardener is the loveliest fellow. Often times he not only brings plants for the garden, but ones for the house. Rarely do I ever say this, but I honestly appreciate all of the work he does for us.
The terminal was packed with people trying to get out of the country. The announcement of the possibility of imminent death was enough for most people to abandon life entirely. And just like all the others, I was no different. I sat solemnly, hoping for some type of good news.
Stressed, that's a nice way to put it. I'm stressed. My dog is dead, my wife left me, and now I have to pay the goddamn rent? What's next, a piano falling on my head? Hell, it wouldn't surprise me at this point.
"Ah, I see myself as none other than your one and only provider," she claimed, "Is that not the case?
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