What? An example, you want an example. Well, give me a minute, I think I can come up with an example. You know, it's like when, you're waiting, and you have no idea how long you will have to wait.
Fireworks. Visual perfume lighting up the sky. Pyrotecnical wonder. Flares, signaling the need for help! Come quickly!
altering is fun. altered books, altered art, mixing things up, alter a menu, or a recipe, i think i'm hungry now. Gotta eat.
Looking at the bright side, enjoying the rainforest without harping on it's being wiped out. Enjoying the snow even when it's blown from a snowmaker. Swimming in the ocean with dolphins and ignoring the oil. That's optimism.
I am such an optimist! Looking at the bright side. don't listen to my friends who say I am a glass half full type. I love life and look for the best. It's just a bummer when your back is tweeked!