fluorescent lights crackled over head.... making my already throbbing head hurt even more. I opened my eyes the lights were harsh. I did not know the room i was in, it was dirty and small.... i tried to get up only to realized my arm was broken.
Trailer. This was my house. Yes it was small and often needed work but it's what my mother could aford. I was not rich like the other kids, in fact this was a recent upgrade.... untill now we were living in the back of our car... and before that on the street. Having my own room was a new wonder....
Iron. The working classes food. There are many different types mind you, it's not like bread and milk where you options ARE limited. Iron and wine, thats what the world is built from. it's what feeds them to create... Honey wine, Red Iron.... Wheat wine.... a cool blue Iron.... oh the options of life, who they mix in your head, and see the visions dancing in your head.