I've backed my horses is the courses of rounding wars us.
I raise myself to the stage in order to wait for me to get out of my cage so I pull the key and unlock the sage.
She loved the vase did it have flowers because if so she would really love those. Flowers made her eyes grow. She loved tipping on those marigolds.
The statue of bronze stood so high that I did not know how far to look in to the sky. So I tipped my head back and looked right into the eyes of that guy.
Lease my time and you will find joy in the presence of the great words of men of our times.
To generate is to create something from something else. To convert a tree into a smell or a piece of paper that can write down the thoughts that you can sound into a worded bound.
A bear with arms stands to fight to tear with strong strokes of long glares.
Order following chaos is something that can't be described. I say that with my eyes there is always more that hides. Chaos bends to create what we see, not order contriving to be.
O my, what a word. Chaos and the entropy it disturbs. I can't believe this is the one chosen for me. Chaos and order is the sorting of which my destiny aims to be.
A myth is something that shouldn't be dismissed just rearranged to be what actually exists.
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