Struggle. Everyday trudging through the snow--another dream deferred in the darkness of student loan debt.
stencil...When I was growing up my mom was obsessed with stencils. Every room had something stenciled on it and I didn't care for it much. Exceot for the front hall that range out distinction with the words of Emily Dickinson amongst green vines.
disco, discoteca. disco compacto...La septima se llamaba el lugar donde ellos se conocieron. Era un disco en Jalapa conectado a un club que se llamaba la octava. Era el lugar donde ellos se bailaban juntos a canciones ridiculos con sexualidad cachete con cachete ombligo con ombligo y lo de mas el se llamaba Raul.
orders. he was an ordlerly man. everyuthing had a place and he could do the most mundane tasks with extreme precision. all of that was fine unless he was watching over you. In that case you were likely not to do anything according to his ideals.
He was the buyer. He was the one who they sent in to get in and out without a mess. Well, in reality there always was a mess--it just wouldn't be their mess. He worked for "The Company, and it was in The Company's best interest for him to relatively undetectable.
before hand means before something else happens. beforehand seems weird as one word. Sometimes its hard to remember mylife before. Before knowing, before being with my kids and luis.