I'm curious, actually no I'm not. But I should be. There are so many things in this world to be curious about. I need to start asking more questions and determine what it is that I do care about. I got Katrina Campins as a follower on Twitter and I am pretty excited about that.
Is by far my Absolute favorite. Sometimes when I drink it, it makes me feel like a Grey Goose. Silly I know..... But still, one of my favorite things to do is pour a big tall glass of Kettle One and sit back, relax and watch an episode of Belvedere. That sh*t takes me to a higher Level.
I'm thinking about buying an xbox 360 console. I bet that isnt the type of console you wanted me to type about. Kinda like yesterday when I wrote about Birth. I see here at Oneword.com there is a little bit of censorship going down. Not cool.
Ouch. Not something you will ever catch me doing. Still have no interest in having children. They scare me and I like to scare them which is pretty mean when you think about it. Trust me I am not just the kind who wants kids. Deal with it.
Is something that I don't usually wear. My sister Jessica doesn't trust men who wear eyeliner even though her fiance Mike would look pretty good in it. Fake eyelashes are the way to go. Very glamorous and look amazing.