it wasn't easy, but i finally got it to the correct configuration. the board is now completely oprational. there are no more risks involved when using the phase device. the molecular integrity of the subject should remain intact when proceeding with the procedure.
You can't do that! the teacher yelled at this squirrel trainer. It wasn't acceptable to her that the squirrel trainer was showing the rodent the ways of thievery. The auburn blazoned fur already mocked her as it gnawed away at her desk.
It was the time that he went to the super market. He didn't bring his magic list of apples and other stuff that he needed to buy. He keeps forgetting. I think he wishes it was different, but it isn't. He goes back and forth through the aisles trying to figure out what exactly he needs. He needs to save himself. He needs to remember.
He strolled down the street boasting his bright new plaid pants. He shouted Scottish accented curses at the top of his lungs as he denounced his faith in Buddhism. No longer shall I be confined to the moral inertness of this religion, he scream.
I've ridding in a limo only once in my life and that was for my friend Adam's birthday in the 8th grade. We went to a skating rink and I didn't know how to skate. It was not bad. Sometimes I think it'd be hilarious to own a limo and drive it around as a joke. Cruising.
Dora the Explorer has a really sweet backpack that opens up like an RPG inventory. It's magical in the way that you can access all the various items. I'm sure that a video game version of the show involves some sort of interface similar to the show. I love how you can just put shit in backpacks. It's a sack that holds things and that's it's main purpose.
When there's not enough time in a movie to put all the full sequences through, you need a montage to condense a lot of progress and information into a very short amount of time. This was proven useful and fully expressed during that one South Park episode. I think it was about skiing. It really does help.
Mint is not only a flavor (or is it more of a sensation?). It's also... CASH!!! How does that term even come about anyway? Mint... it's fresh, it's clean. I love seeing fresh 'mint' in my wallet. The crisp crackle of a new $20.