I just couldn't study. Everything kept rattling. The pages on my book were moving so frantically that the edges nearly cut my fingers wide open. My book started growing. It stretched far across the desk and the words became distorted and started thinning away. The smell of the damp paper started filling the room and the entire book stretched to the size of my desk. Then, it stopped. I heard a creak. Like that of a ship. I noticed something in the center of the book and peeked closer, nose first. A drop of water had developed. And it seemed to be coming from the book. The drop got larger and before I knew it, it was enormous. Not a lot of time passed before a waterfall was pouring out of the pages of the gigantic novel lying on my desk. I sat there as the water filled my room.
The flare lit the night sky up like a match. The broken down man used all the energy he had left to shoot off that last flare. For the wolves were coming for him and there was nothing he could do. He grabbed his tire iron and he was ready.
He started to shuffle his cards as he looked at me. His head was down towards the cards in his hands but his eyes were dead set on me. My hand was sweating with the gun in my hand. He sat there and began laughing. His face went blank and the gun in my hand turned to sand. He continued to laugh.
Solitaire. Window's guilt-free poker. That's what the guy at the front desk was playing before he was hit by a car. That's right. Someone drove a car through the front office and hit the guy playing Solitaire on his last day of work.
Hearts. I came home. Opened my bedroom door and found nothing but hearts scribbled everywhere. Every. Where. From my bed sheets all the way to the back of my closet. This girl. This girl wanted me. This girl wanted me dead.
The orchestra stopped and the silence took over. I found myself in the wrong part of the auditorium. While I stood there like an asshole, Craig was getting away with my whole entire life. Everything I've ever cared for was in his back left pocket.
"I'M TIRED OF YOUR EGO!" she shouted as she threw the lamp. "ALL YOU DO IS SIT AROUND AND STARE AT ME. WHEN YOU EAT YOU DISGUST ME. YOU LOOK AT ME LIKE YOU'RE SKINNY AND I'M FAT!" The cat then scattered away and hid under the bed.
A lot of people try to read the Bible and figure out how humans are here on Earth. I like to read the Bible to figure out why we're here. What is our purpose? As individuals? As humankind?