It is not my concern how you feel about this anymore. It is not my concern how you feel about me anymore. I am through with stressing over this, I am through with you. It's not fair to me to keep living this way. Until you figure yourself out and realize what you've got in front of you, I am no longer concerned with you.
Insects don't really bother me as much as they should, being a girl and all. I mean I HATE spiders and like if an insect lands on me, yeah I'm gunna freak. But not because I think insects are gross, I actually find them quite interesting. I freak out because they scare the bejeezus out of me, randomly landing on me and stuff. I also have a new respect for insects after seeing the play "Starship", put on and uploaded to YouTube by Starkid Productions. You should check it out if you haven't already.
I don't think I would enjoy having a secretary. I like to handle all of my things on my own, I don't like people to do things for me. Because then I can't be sure they're done right, and I'd end up doing it myself anyway. Plus I would feel bad bossing my secretary around all the time- making them answer all my calls, organize all of my things and doing things that secretaries do. I don't think I'll ever hire a secretary.
I don't understand what people mean when they call someone "poison". How can a person be poison? I understand bad influences but at the end of the day people make their own choices.