Used? A funny concept really, for I own many "used" (so to speak) objects of varying value throughout all of the universe and time including a couple sovereigns from earth. Ever wonder where presumed missing Blackbeard's Treasure, the contents of the tomb of Egyptian King Tutankhamen, the only existing original print of an Agatha Christie novel that was never published (possibly her finest work), and the Ark of the Covenant? Some would say they disappeared from space and time.. I suppose one could make this argument if a tiny blue box were added to the case.
Sometimes at the break of dawn I fly my TARDIS into the vast oceans, right on the seventh moon of the planet Cylarious. The conditions are excellent for swimming and the view of the moon's gravitational twin, Catazomb, is absolutely exquisite. When I have time between saving the universe, picking up humanoid creatures (preferably human females) and the over all exploration of the universe for funzies it is the first stop on my list.
Jazzy jizzy jazz is the nature of the universe within the Astarian wormhole off the coast of the galaxy cluster Sparian.