I already wrote about bow... what kind of madness is this? This was the same word as yesterday. Unless... oh my god. I'm living the same day over and over. WHY?!
Robin Hood had a bow and arrow. And then he just ran up to rich people and demanded their money so that he could give said money to someone else? That's the dumbest mugger I've ever heard of...
I often have to crane my neck to see things. That's the curse of being short. Whenever there's something worth seeing, it's up on your tippy-toes and stretching your neck to an ungodly length to try to see something. And then you have to deal with the ache in your neck muscles afterwards and you realize it wasn't worth it in the first place.
I used to wear my hair in a braid. Back when it was long and thin and frail, and I looked as if I had an oily bracelet in my hair. I'm so glad I chopped my hair off when I did. I would have looked so terrible by the time I was thirty.