My function is to live everyday to it's fullest with no regrets. My function is to achieve all of my greatest dreams and desires. A function is an activity, a purpose, my purpose is to live with a smile on my face. When an opportunity comes along never pass up the chance to do something amazing or you'll die without really having lived. Overall, my function is to live.
Odds are you are writing this from a nice laptop, in a nice neighborhood, in a nice town. The odds are you have never had to fight for the things that you needed- the bare necessities of life. The chances are that you sleep in a warm bed every night and never think about the ones that sleep under bridges. Spare them a thought.
When I think of rising. I think of rising to a monumental occasion. Something that is going to change your life forever either for the bad or the worse. There is no way to tell how it is going to turn out. But the rising to the challenge is the most significant part. It shows character and the strength of the individual.