Sometimes, I look to see if I qualify for food stamps. Unfortunately, I'm always making just slightly too much money.
Many turned to her for help and advice because the nun was considered extremely erudite, even among her peers.
The rich heiress was a doctrinaire in her belief that following the latest home decor trends was essential to furthering social standing.
I order you!
May I take your order?
What is the proper order?
I'm taking religious orders.
Myths are legendary stories that help us learn lessons in our daily lives. Some myths are more mysterious than others!
"Hand salute! Ready, two!" I was winning and I knew it. "Left face, right face, about face, right face." The commands came streaming out of his mouth, and I was the only one focused enough to complete each in sequence no matter how fast they came in the game of knockout drill.
The trend of the stock market is to go down, or hopefully up. The trend in fashion is to wear bold, bright colors and gladiator style heels. Through it all, I prefer to maintain a classic style and a steady pace.
The fossil lay in a dark, dusty corner of the museum's back room. So many artifacts had come in, no one had time to do more than an initial inspection before cataloging it. No one knew what a revelation was waiting!
"Liar, liar, pants on fire!" My brother, wearing a tee shirt and a pair of athletic shorts, was yelling at me from his bedroom door. The year was 1988.
Her peculiar way of looking at life had everyone confounded. Where some people would have seen recent events as devastating, she found new strength, comfort, and hope.