Tilt , the world is on a tilt , nothing seems balanced , nothing seems fair , and just when you think you've found the meaning , and all in all is parallel with eachother , you begin to see the tilt that has formed.
Absorb to your maximum capacity... , well all i can really say i guess is dedication. patience and dedication required no doubt. That about sums this one up. always so close..yet so far. Near seems to have so much distance , so many more miles away then it seems. Just when i get closer , it seems to slip away. It all appears to be a mirage. Its never near.
Made. Either you did or you dident. you will or you wont. Most peopkle wont. You have taken action , you have created difference.
Maid , a servant. Paid off to serve crazy as it is..maybe it is a life analogy. To serve people , what a way to live? Maybe it describes the person , a slave to money , respectable , yet...not. No Freedom.