One night with you was all it took.
You put your arms around me and I knew that what I was dealing with
was more than a crush.
Your lips touched mine and time again and i knew this was going to be the start of something i can not turn away from.
For months now I have had this thirst
to know you.
This hunger to look into your eyes and hear your soul speak.
One night is all it took.
i no longer crush for you.
I know longer want to know you.
I no longer yearn to look into your eyes searching for your soul.
My thirst has turned into a gut wrenching hunger.
I want to know you like no one ever has before.
I want our souls to speak when you look into my eyes.
I don’t want to have a crush on you for it is to close to crashing.
I want to know what love is with you.
I want my thirst to be quenched.
One night with you was all it took.
You put your arms around me and I knew that what I was dealing with
was more than a crush.
For months now I have had this thirst
to know you.
This hunger to look into your eyes and hear your soul speak.
One night is all it took.
i no longer crush for you.
I know longer want to know you.
I no longer yearn to look into your eyes searching for your soul.
My thirst has turned into a gut wrenching hunger.
I want to know you like no one ever has before.
I want our souls to speak when you look into my eyes.
I don’t want to have a crush on you for it is to close to crashing.
I want to know what love is with you.
I want my thirst to be quenched.
I want to feel our first kiss.
I want to feel the first time your hand accidentally brushed mine.
I want to feel the joy in your silence.
I want to trip over the butterflies as I fall for you.
I want to feel your love.
I want to feel your passion.
I want to see that light in your eyes when you look at me.
I want to feel us when I feel you.
I want us to be normal again.
Though my eyes do the filming
It's my mind that tries to
rewind to a time
when things were less complicated.
when i was less obligated
to see this world for what it really is
a fucked up collaboration of
self inflicted people.
rambling about is wrong with this world.
i want to see them come together as whole
and take action on the words
that they spew.
Just Tell Me You Love Me Already
My tropical fruit.
Your sweet necter dripping down my chin.
You kiss me anyways.
You are too beautiful for this dirty world.
Go back to the paradise you came from.
But please take me with you.
My sweet tropical fruit
With skin so soft.
You are perfected, sagacious, and ripe.
Your nectar is sweet.
You are sweet.
You are beyond beautiful.
Beyond perfect.
Beyond words.
You are from a different world
Your are my little tropical fruit.
I refuse to be your little doll.
Girls wear dresses.
Ties are for boys.
Little girls should only kiss boys.
Fuck that!
A past is a past.
And mine will not determine my future.
I know who I am.
I know what I want.
And like a phoenix, I will rise from the ash that is the aftermath of the destruction you created out of me.
I know you can't control your own feelings
Please don’t look at me like that
Please don’t talk to me with those gentle words
Please don’t fall for me
Please just let us stay cool
Please don’t be mad
Please don’t throw your anger towards me
Please just stay my best friend
I love you the most that way
Please just talk to me about this
I love you
How dare you! How fucking dare you talk to me in that manner. How fucking dare you put your hands on me time and time again. How fucking dare you play the victim in this situation. How fucking dare you manipulate my words and actions in such a manner to have others turn their backs on me for your sake. How fucking dare you. You have no idea the emotions I am feeling right now. I am scared. So fucking scared of what tomorrow will bring. So fucking scared of how today is going to end. So fucking scared for me. I am hurt. I am shocked. I am pissed the fuck off. And it is amazing that all these emotions can come from one person. How fucking dare you for always saying that you love me not even 5 minutes after you have gone crazy. I would never of imagined that you are love. I would never of imagined that you could love. I cant imagine that I can be loved ever again thanks to you. I am now a wreck. I am scared of my shadow and I flinch when I am hugged because I have seen that episode before. How fucking dare you do this to me. How fucking dare you
I am lone in this Dark Room.
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