I had detention last Saturday. Me and a couple other kids just chilled out and did drugs and stuff. It got intense at times, because the others were arguing. But besides that it was a pretty awesome day.
the residue of the semen is all over the bed and eww some is in my hair ugghhh blaahhhh blaarrrggghhhh sorry i mean what is the residue i don't even know what that word means.
swing. swing it. swing it like there's no tomorrow. you have all the time in the world to swing. no one can stop you. They're all dead. Dead and gone. Swing. Swing it like you've never swung before.
The town was empty. All the people had left when the jailbreak happened. Since then, all of them have died or are surviving in the middle of nowhere. Except for me. Me. Only me.
I dont know how long it's been. I've been lying in a pool of my own sweat and blood for what seems like a millennium. I don't have much longer. I can feel my soul slowly leaving me. I'm coming, my love. The wait is almost over.