Pass it along. Just don't talk.
Don't look at the person.
Give it to him quickly. Don't make eye contact. He gives you something and you blush. It's just another pencil. But he smiles and kisses your cheek. Way more than a simple trade.
I locked the door on my way out as I began to travel through time. I took her hand as she guided me pass all the empty black doors into a dark purple hallway. Once we made our way toward the little white door on the end, she tried jiggling the knob to open it, but it was locked.
A level down is a level harder. She takes a deep breath a takes another step. "I'm almost done." she said to herself. When she opened the golden crested door she looked up towards a giant gold dragon. "Oh hell." She worried.
Stella accidentally left her cauldron boiling when she went out for some mandrake roots. The black concoction spurted out a black frog. The frog then grew into a womanly figure. Suddenly the figure turned into a lady with long black hair.
Lyla ran off the top of her roof and her tiny purple wings bursted out of her sides. She winced with pain and a little blood slipped through. She glided through the night. Seeing her busy city below. She didn't care if anyone noticed.
I wish I had wings. I could fly anywhere, anytime. Day or night.
I'd probably fly at night because that's when the stars are out. It'd feel so nice.
To be that free.
One step, there is.
One step to say what you need.
One step to get away.
Thunder, that big blast.
Shook my tea cup real fast.
My walls began to vibrate.
My feet began to shake.
Knowing that it was only a thunder storm,
my fear was just a fake.
Lighting is amazing.
The way it strikes down like a bullet. For a millisecond you see it, but then it's gone. The way it lights up the sky for just a second.
i remember one time i had taco bell and i felt really sick. next thing i had to throw up in a bucket. It was so gross. All because of that Arby's burger ad on the tv. I guess I was ill for a night. I will never eat taco bell... ever.. again.
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