As I walked in I looked around the store and wondered what strange compulsion caused this woman to only hire blonde, petite employees and why she had hired me. They all looked similar, with round dimpled faced and smiles that seemed to never falter but never seemed to reach their eyes either. As one of them approached me with a huge smile I self consciously tried to fix my badly dyed hair which at certain situations could pass off as "fun" or "interesting" or even "quirky!" but surrounded by these little blonde girls I looked like a really tall smurf. OH MY GOSH ARE YOU THE NEW EMPLOYEE? I'M KENDALL. I wondered if my eye was twitching like on the cartoons. Immediatly I admonished myself for being so judgemental. I smiled nervously, Yep. Hi. Nice to meet you. Anna.
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they kept to themselves. they were themselves. a set, a unity and yet seperate from the others.
themselves: those identical ones that are they.