Methodology. Advertising and public relations class on how to advertise. Project about the media and women's body image. What a terrible correlation, to ruin someone's body image!
The cast of a film, play, or even just people playing the role of a family.
What fleeting times, to be a part of something that becomes a blip in your life.
Running train at work today, Choo-choo!
The smell of the train smoke and the loud noise of it chugging to a halt and looking out the car's window. We always made up stories about how Indians sat on the top of the train like Gods, but never knowing where they were going.
The most heartwrenching of all kinds of physical touch. The word simply exudes love.
I imagine time-outs sitting in the corner, usually for kids who don't derserve it. Or when people cut corners, thinking that the shortcut will actually be shorter when it never is.
Alzheimer's scares the crap out of me. Thankfully my grandmother seems to have a fort of a memory. I can't fathom becoming old and losing my mind, but I imagine it to be terrifying not knowing who you are. The point of life is to figure out who you are and if that's all taken away slowly, it's heartbreaking.