I don´t have any jewelry. its a evidence of welth and luxury which is what I am not that much in. I appreciate simple staff and human basics
he is our number one. everything what we are doing is because of him. he is our highest boss an we are going to make our client satisfied and happy
I have applied for a exam of english by british council. I have to prepare myself properly. The exam is composed of 4 parts and its very important to be succesful in all of them.
its about a decision. be everywhere well organised or in the terrible mess. its helping you to take everything more easy and handy. that´s the way how to save a lot of time if you have your stuff in pretty neat order
I have been traveling through the asian countries. I stayed on the board of train where I have met her. She was so beautiful and very interesting girl. She was Canadian. I have started to talk with her and we have had very nice talk while she has invited me to sit on her pellet. Than we went to sleep and train have got us through Thailand areas to Bangkok. Therewhere we have explored the city and have a lot of fun for a half a day
all of us dream about it, we are working hard and spend all of our life to life surrounded with luxury. but I am asking what is the luxury for us? is it hapinness? I don´t realy think so. we are actually loosing real points of our lives
i used to have a motorcycle when I was young. my friend showed me a pic of both of us on motorcycles tohether some time ago. its so nostalgic and funnypicture
when I have decided to travel it was big change for my life and I have definitely approached my dreams. I would like to keep going with that
sting is ussualy danger of some insect or other animals and people are afraid of that. some of them are very sensitive to be hurt by the sting.
I call the call which I am driving the Sting cause this car is so old and look really used. owner of the car is my mother. my father gave it to her cause of driving to work but she is afraid of driving so much. I would like to help with it to her and hope I will