The house was covered from attic to basement with the most appalling stencils. I had to paint them over
Stand up and be counted they say. But there are so many things to stand up against: war; racism; Macdonalds; Amazon; Marine le Pen; Chinese fur trade…. How can I choose? And if we shout too loud we are ignored, or attacked. It’s a dilemma. Is just sending a few dollars to Oxfam, or Greenpeace or Amnesty enough – or should I run for office. It’s a headache; another cup of (fair trade) coffee please.
Orders is orders. Shoot those children. Rape those women. Have no pity; no conscience. It’s what our leaders want. You are just following orders.
Thin red lines of troopers armed with muskets advancing on each other. More romantic than khaki clad troops, but just as deadly.
Stood still on the sill she said should I stay or say farewell? Stepping down six steep inches she made her decision .Shopping it was to be.
Hijacked, hijacked, everywhere I go. Why not, Hello John? Why are people not more polite?
Dunking my chocolate biscuit in my whisky laced coffee I thought “they’ve a lot to answer for those Bourbon kings”.
He always called my wheelchair a push chair and parked me facing the wall. The wally
it's like a freezer out there, he said. So what? replied the penguin.
The few notes of the symphony played over and over. I was perplexed. Then realised the tracking arm was too light.