reminds me of someone drowning and calling for help. waving his hands. a man. in a sea. of an advertisement. of chips. of someone screaming. ghostly nights. of a movie scene where the actress helps children.
there is stillness in my life. dont know y. i can feel stillness in nature too. there is still ness everywhere. water, wind.. it mkes me feel that the time has stopped. bt y i am not sure about it. mayb its inside me. i am pissed. hurt. sad. depressed.
i seriously need a miracle to get out of this situation. i have heard about many miracles. it reminds me of my Mother. ganeshji appearing, my dad, my brother , my sister's vision,etc.
everythin is covered. people play politics to cover upp their own mistakes. and i hate people who do so. if u r at fault, accept it. thats it. covered gives me a feeling of being covered with a cloth
texture refers to the feel of the surface. cotton has soft texture while rock has a har one. it reminds me of a picture in Vogue magazine where a girl was lying on fur. we have studied about texture as part of the syllabus.
i fee dehydrated all the time.. people generally feel this during loose motions but i guess i fell it coz i dont drink water much. it makes u look dry and feel weak. dehydration comes from the word dehydrated.