I lie to myself everyday. I tell myself I haven't gained any significant amount of weight. And if I have, I'm lucky to be able to pull it off. I've got some talent. I force myself to 'love my own body'. Thanks for the advice, world, but your stares are not what I expected when I finally accepted your advice.
Of all my friends, the stupidest is the one going into teaching. I find it ironic, and I feel bad for the parents who will pay for her to educate their children.
face, hair, hands, nails. the rainbow was all over her body and it dripped from her chin. Painting a treehouse never occurred to her to be such an experience.
covered in the words, thoughts, lessons of the past and present, it is hidden behind the projector screen of now. Only when the screen spontaneously pops back up to its rolled position will the students and professors remember how they learned.