The boiling point. The point where the water begins to change from liquid into air. But also the point where a woman can't take no more. The point where she says stop, to the man she loves, no more pain for me. The love is flying away, just as the water is, at the boiling point.
One step in the wrong direction doesn't mean you're a bad person. If you learn from it, it wil even make you a better one.
I'm listening to this great band right now. I'm just going to listen instead of writing about it. That's the whole point of music, you just have to listen.
There she was, Violet. I could see she was having a real hard time. I couldn't blame her. I would feel just the same, be the same and do the same. I would cry, just like her.
Do you remember? Last night, when we went to the megaphone-store? We went there to get my phone fixed. it was broken and i hoped they could fix it at a low cost. But then there he was. It was te first time I saw him in real life, I only saw him on the internet. So I couldnt help myself and I went for it. I bought myself the newest and coolest phone.