
Some people believe Olive oil is the best cooking oil to use. I agree that it is one of the best, but it is not THE best oil. Let me tell you why. Olive oil doesn't do well in high heat. It starts to go rancid. Since I don't know what high heat means, I prefer to avoid it, unless I am using it in hummus. The best oil for high flame/heat is coconut oil. Sunflower oil does well too! In my opinion Olive oil should be used with extreme caution and low low heat/flame.
We all have a role to play. My role has always been to be the black sheep of the family. Anytime something went wrong in the family, I got blamed for it. My brother's role was to be golden child. He did nothing wrong--ever. In fact, if my brother is mad at me, everyone is mad at me. No one speaks to me. It's sad really. i turn 50 this year. My new role: freedom.
Well, now here is a word i hear so much about. The power of protein. A high protein diet is supposed to be the best for you. All those carbs load you down and make you sleepy and cause you to crave even more sugar. Also, carbs turn into sugar. It's what diabetics are supposed to avoid: carbs. So yep. Let's all have more protein please. Steaks---coming right up! haha
I live in the Mojave Desert. It gets HOT out here. Maybe not Phoenix hot *haha* but sure gets scorchin' out here. Today we are going to reach 112 degrees. Now that's extreme climate, folks. But I like it here. I was born in the desert, moved away to experience humidity, and returned ASAP.
I knew a guy who robbed a bank. He got put in prison. When he came out he was a pretty bitter man. He didn't like certain types of people. I actually tried dating him for a while. He just wasn't someone I could hang with. Too much hate in his heart. But he was a pretty good auto body man. He was good at his job.
Well, it does appear that we got the same word yesterday. It's a little annoying when that happens. Usually, I just log off, but today I will continue to write because it's all about the exercise, right? I will be graceful about the entire repetition. Have a beautiful day, beautiful people.
Sometimes life calls for us to act outside of ourselves. There are times when we need to handle difficult situations with gracefulness. It isn't easy...well, it isn't "always" easy to be graceful. When someone does something to hurt us...we need to not be reactive. At least we should strive to not be reactive. It is best to walk in grace---to be graceful.
I have only held a snowball a few times in my life. The desert is my abode. But it does snow at times, even here. And we do get to ball up that white stuff. It's fun to thing of it. Throwing a snowball at someone. Or building a snowman with all them balls. It's all about having fun; and sometimes, that involves a snowball or two, or three, or four...
Long sleeves are mighty important when you live in the Mojave Desert. The sun can be beautifully brutal. if you don't belong in the desert it will suck you dry and spit straight out. it's the way of life around here. So put on your wide brimmed hat, grab your water bottle, and whatever you do, don't roll up those sleeves. Your'e gonna need them out here.
I think of going to the grocery store in Minnesota when I was a little kid. The name of the market was Piggly Wiggly. I think that's right--If memory serves me. I used to get such a kick out of that name. The Piggly Wiggly. haha Sounds way more fun than going to Smith's. ;)
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