For every moment that goes by I think that the thoughts in my head actually do get more and more severe, I guess I should stop letting my imagination run wild like this. But, at the same time I've realised that as the thoughts get worse the pain actually subsides.
As if all of this wasn’t enough, after the break up, after the losing of the one thing that was most precious to her, her trusty old bike. Now this crazy text comes “how are you?” he asks. That’s crazy. I guess to a 20 year old, all of this stuff does make you feel as if you were pretty weathered. Even though it was all overwhelming she suddenly felt like going through this had made her old and wise, and what was left to do? start a blog!
a place where you come to worship. the temple can be one's own body, as Jesus said. The empale has to be a place completely clean. I can imagine the light on it, somehow in my mind a temple is always glistening gold. Like tie light of God Himself shines over it.
a place where all the wild things are. I always wanted to be part of the wilderness. somehow the thought of having no rules and mo responsibility is so appealing to me, I think it is the same for every one of us. We all secretly long to be wild, to just be able to release our inner selves.
A feeling when you absolutely don't know what to do with yourself. for me this means that it is a time when I will be falling on my knees crying and doing nothing but shouting for help from God. Desperation can be for something good or bad, it can be positive or negative. desperate for love...