he was overjoyed to see me...We haven't seen each other since he was shipped out. And now he was home
Overhead something eclipsed the sun. All i could hear were wings flapping and something landed in front of me. An enormous raven with red, glowing eyes. ITs beak dripped with blood and his expression was one of an angry, hungry, wild animal. And I wasnt the fastest running in the world.
I finally understood why he called has been my nick name for ass long as i can remember.
Its cause i was a hardworker, like a bumble bee. :)
He stood there staring at me. Frozen. And then I realized he was frozen. He stood outside all night waiting for me, he froze to death. Because of me.
I wondered to far this time.
Momma told me not to.
But I was so curious.
I wondered to far. Too close to the man's yard.
And I got blasted out of the people cannon the police were talking about.
People dont come back from the cannon.
The policeman said they would pick him up soon.
Not soon enough.