Clippity clip clop drop shuffle. As my hair falls to the floor in dying blonde waves I frown and crystalline tears form at the corners of my eyes. Its better this way.
WIsdom is what I desire. My choice cannot be made without this. But where is my mother? My father? My friends? Nowhere to be seen, yet again. I try all the time to be perfectly in sync with their movements but my gypsy style life has taken it's toll on my relationships. And now I need them. And now they are nowhere to be seen.
The sheets twisted round my sweaty bare feet. I gasped. The spiralled colours loomed out of the darkness then faded away as I sat up and snapped on my nightlight – bathing the room in a hazy, orange glow and the creatures of my mind receded – banished to the corners of my dark, decrepit mind. I stilled my beating heart, exahaling harshly through my gaping mouth. It was so vivid, so lurid, so present. But he was gone, they were gone, and they would never be back.
Tangled in knots. My life. A web of uncontrolled chaos – constantly spiralling, winding and twisting until I don’t know where I am anymore. Sometimes I wish for calm, but mostly I embrase the cacophany – it is life afterall.
How can something so soft be so barbed to me? She just gave me this blanket and tossed me aside. Garbage. Outside the building. Freezing cold. Dripping wet - like a soggy piece of newspaper. Nothing. Not to her.