Idiots they are everywhere. Everywhere you go you can't escape it. They think they know everything and will argue their views as if their views are more important than yours. They are disrespectful with no sign of intelligence.
Onward they yelled as we pass the dead soldiers. Onward yelled the General as if he isn't afraid of pressing on. Nothing seems to faze him as we walk toward the battle.
Safeguard? What does the even mean? Safe of the guard? Guard of the safe? Safely the guard of the guardy of the guardy guard guarded
The salmon swam up stream because he wanted to show he was different. Different in a way of going the opposite way and battling the conditions life throws at the little fish.
Cabinet. Everyone has one but what is inside is what truly matters. The little things that fill up the spaces and shelves. Your own life is filled with moments, but on the outside everyone is the same.
Timing. Time doesn't exist. Nothing is on time then. Timing doesn't exist either. Hours and minutes are just numbers through the air. Air of nothing.
I was in the middle, but the middle of what? In the middle of a thought, or at least I thought. So many memories, ideas, and thoughts fill the brain. A thinking process is a confusing thing.
As the streets merge so does our brains. Merging with the thoughts of life and death. The streets merge as well as the cars. Crash hard with a loud bang
Everything comes in a bottle. Bottle milk. Bottle soda. Bottle water. Can you imagine the pollution that would collect over the years?