That was her badge of disgrace. She will never love again. That person distroyed her life. Now on she has learned that no one was to be trusted anymore. Why does that have to happen to her everytime.
She had that awesome complexion that made me think of roses, like when you are lost in the infinity and death. i was dying, just dreaming of talking to her, she was an angel, but she never looked back. She jumped from the cliff like if she wanted to fly. I wanted to follow her to another universe, to her paradise. And she made it, she flew away from this world, from evil men that loved her and riped her heart. When she destroyed her sublime complexion in the rocks I loved her more. I buried her in my heart for the eternity. The only love I ever knew.
i felt like a parasite when I left my Universe. Inside of that cruel place, people where thinking about to consume each other. No one felt safe. It was an unnecesary reality. We were all trying to scape. It was a cold, aluminium place. It was all artificial, nothing was alive. humanity has been for so long to kill around them, to make a sterile environment, worshipping their fake idol of progress and evolution. So I didn´t know what to do, I needed to go. I wanted to be near the ocean and eternity. The only place real, true was when I closed my eyes and remembered that girl.....
I need now a vision, a way to redeem my soul from this caotic place to emptiness.