When I was young I wondered at landscapes and magic tricks, much like I am wondering now at how I can pull my life back together.
I'm pretty uninspired by this word.
I have a lot of keys on my keychain.
I also have a large replica of the crest of House Slytherin.
I am not strong. I am weak and meek, and don't want anything to do with making this world stronger.
The strong will break, but the weak will bend.
Incessant screeching
Over and over and over and over
every morning
almost a dozen times
stop hitting snooze and get up you prick
you're waking up the whole apartment
This morning you left it on after you went into the shower
I'm going to destroy that clock someday.
They break when you use them too much. Especially if you game competitively or play mario party.
I use them too much.
So much time spent jamming buttons and joysticks on a controller.
I just don't want to grow up.