again return
return again
again again return
so I do many times true rhyming ways with you if you knew, like you knew
I would
I am afraid to leave so I will never know if return return return
such a promise is only for show
what if I sleep in? how then? return late? what then? forget the work I put in, what I tried to create?
to the woods, which are called nature
the natural world
an original place that is supposed to be a state of grace
you find your face but not you
so called grace
named never
all over
if ever it was it is not now
what is the fragrance of rage? tall and large and dark and blunt
it has a shape and presence and it sits there in the dining room
glowering and pulling at its hair
challenging me as if that's a full-time job
but the smell of it
is just plain and sad
is just old cigarrettes
is just mould from the clothes pile
is just hormones that I should expect
it is not alarming
to walk along and read signs that mistake themselves for something else
but it can be pretty funny
especially when the sign says
building is alarmed