Pallavi S Ojha

Diabetes - As a child, I used to dread it because my baba and dadi had it. As an adult, I understand it is not a disease. It is just a different way of life. Many children also have it. Their lifestyle changes and they continue to live normally.
You never really understand when the tables turn in life. At one point of time, you are sitting and praying for others' lifestyle and at another point of time, you realise you now have all those things but you didn't even get time to acknowledge it. It's time to count your blessings!
Everybody believes in deity but nobody believes in being human. Everybody spends thousands of money on deities but nobody wants to spend a penny to help others. This feeling that deity will solve your problems needs to go.
Yesterday was father's day! The best thing about this father's day is that we ourselves are going to be parents soon! We are so happy. Hope all goes well. Touch wood :)
It is unhealthy to overthink. It is unhealthy to keep pondering on things. It is unhealthy to thing negative. It is unhealthy to feel jealous of other's achievements. So, I will now be positive and appreciate people's achievements.