Baskets that native american women used to make, and shawls too. Mostly baskets though, hair perhaps? Hair woven with ribbons and stuff. Or baskets with woven designs. Or shawls with woven designs. I tried weaving a basket once.
I've come close to it several times, and so have my friends. I hate it. Because all you want to do is escape, and it's a permenant exit from life. I'm so glad I didn't go through with it, because I never would have met the people I know now, or fallen in love, or sing onstage at Carnagie hall, or snorkle at St.Martin, or experiance some of the most amazing moments in my life.
It can be a tool that is used in garages. When I think about it I think about it as a weapon as a way to kill someone. Thanks a lot Clue and CSI. I'm corrupt forever, and will never be innocent again