So... thirsty. Couldn't breathe. Making my way across the barren ice, I needed to stop. I knew I couldn't, because I would freeze Making it seem as if my love was completely gone for the world might have been my only chance to survive, but I skipped the lovely offer. If only, if only.
The Darlings were a simple sort... always easy to get along with, never tough to make friends with. They were a species of their own, with their interesting beliefs and love. Making an idea turn into reality for the Darlings was exciting all in its own; they believed that if you knew what they were thinking, you should be considered a god of theirs.
Darlings. They were all very sweet, and I realized that it was all a stylish facade put on by my uncles. Maybe if they made themselves a little less obvious, it would make more sense to name their daughters "Darlings". He's wasting my time. Not a darling.