A housewife, a mother, a woman. A dream of mine is to live on my own with the one I love.. is it even possible for me? I wonder daily as I dayddream if anything good can come out of me yet..
Emotions hit you like a tidal wave
Flow through you like a flood
The inevitable tears form like waterfalls
And the relief
The sweet relief
Hits you head on
And you know everything's gonna be okay.
I am but a blemish on your personal record, that is all I am, all I ever will be. Why do you still love me, though I threaten to ruin your whole life? You've already lost your job because of me... Why don't you hate me yet..?
My body is my temple, my sanctuary. It is perfect, real, and me.
Why do I despise it so much? Why do I allow it to be hurt, why do I allow such an open entry? Shouldn't every sacred temple have a good security system? Not just anyone should be allowed in.
When I was young, I wanted to be a princess. Not gonna lie, I would dress in dresses and do my hair and sit down to imaginary tea parties like any other girl. But now, everything has changed.
My friends want to be neurologists, authors, or famous.
(I wouldn't mind being a princess..)
A white gown. A bouquet of flowers. All my friends and family silently watching as I lean in to kiss the man of my dreams in a bond that will last the duration of our lives. It's the only wish I've kept my entire life. A dream that sometimes seems impossible to reach, and sometimes seems not my dream at all, but that of the structured society I've been raised in. It would be nice, an assurance of one's love. My parents have stayed together my entire life... But I'm not sure I'm that perfect a match for anyone on this Earth. Nonetheless, this dream is my dream, and fulfill it I shall try my hardest to do.
Sneaky, rotten bastard. Those are the only words that come to mind when I hear your name. We weren't technically dating, sure, but only because the label hadn't been placed. So you having sex with a friend of yours and telling me about it was assumed okay, simply because we weren't /actually/ dating? I wouldn't be hurt by it at all. You sneaky, rotten bastard.
As I return from the darkest part of my journey so far, a smile lights up my face because your hand is in mine. I can't think of a more perfect person to drag me out of the dark place I was in, and your smile was the light that led the way. I will always love you for causing the dark to flee, for, when once I would hide in it and accept it as my friend, I now realize that it was the enemy all along.