As he sat typing upon a keyboard, he briskly pressed the f key a few times and then to his annoyance the stubborn key need to be pushed harder and harder and the thing just didn't work. Bloody Technology.. I could just write this with a pen.
a fleck of dust and a drop of water, sitting delicately but poised in position the droplet filled the composition. And yet again although it was beautiful in all its full bloomed essence, how can it be witnessed if done so alone?
oohh. a strong base has to apply that the foundations of such a construction will only supply strength and solidity, but as a colleague mentioned a strong bottom does not give this water based machine any stealth.
strung up and tied down that is what makes me feel so highly strung. I ain't born this way you know, its all the bullshit that folk expect for me to take that makes me feel like punching someone in hte face!!! All shocken up and fucked up with this strung up!!
Thinking and thinking should I reply? do I need to listen to what could just be something contrived? all so you can turn it round and make me fell like I made you homeless all over again!
One day , a long way away from domestic bliss a man came into their world of stuttered madness and he claimed he would save them from the pain they shared, but instead he took what he could and claimed ownership on their fears. A clout of a man!
The smooth sound that crept softly from the walls into the central nerves of my murky ears, drove me to wonder, if I could create something as beautiful as this lullaby??
Bullshit. That's what I signed up for.. Lies and bullshit. False sentiments and promises. And to think I gave it all up for the lies of a man whom I did not love in the first place.. Bullshit.
Demons of the world and kings of the future I beg to you to look beyond our cities and see that they can become a world of grace and tolerance. See that not only can they move fast but they can be elegant and wise. Don't rush their youth but endure and embrace their upbringing.
the first thing I thought as I endeared my fear, following a tunnel that had no light, puddles and rivers of water around my ankles, the walls damp and endless, like an eternal sponge. The ambience of this environment could only be based on the tranquil acoustic that echoed around and around until one's head was hypnotically escaped from the cave that lay inside them like a belly ache.
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