She was asking me for something. I knocked myself back to reality. "What?"
"The proof.", she repeated.
"Oh," I said, forcing my mind to say adrift, "Here you go."
She grabbed the parcel from me with her right hand and opened it carefully with her left. She grinned sweetly, "I will. I will marry you."
Though feeling drained, I smiled meekly. Finally! The only thing I ever wanted. My heart would have jumped with joy if it were still inside me.
sometimes i wish my heart had a peephole. so i would know who's outside before i let them in. so i would know that it's not a robber. or my mother. or a solicitor. or a giant ant. or my seatmate in high school whose favorite book i lost. or a filmmaker whose works i have never seen. or a serial killer who will effortlessly rip my heart apart and have it for dinner. or an asshole.
running late
i brisked to nothing
not having to, but just caught
hurried down the slope
not after something
when you hit me
bull's eye
Play your love like piano keys. Classic, whole, resonating.
i was on the other side, walking. to where, i do not know. not thinking or feeling anything, just walking, i reached the edge and i thought, this is it. do i do it? i stood there for a while, then i thought, nope. so i turned around and walked again aimlessly. until i reached the next pole.
There was no turning back. She signed it so she must go through with it. Something feels weird, her stomach was churning, the weather wasn't right, the day was odd. There was something telling her she should hide.
The world became blurry, literally, as I walked away and tears fell from my eyes. Run, I thought. Run. Run, run, run, run, run. And as I ran hard and ran fast under the rain all I could think of was my smudged mascara.
I don't know anything about nor do I give a shit about wheat. I'm just waiting for the timer to go out.
one morning my day was going fine and dandy, i didn't feel like doing anything so I thought I'd just sleep the whole day, maybe? That's what I did and I woke up feeling great, greeting everyone with a big smile on my face, i whistled happy songs, and strutted through the roads, I was going through it okay, I thought, I'm getting there, I thought, how life is so beautiful and merry! then boom, the calamity.
if the truth would set me free and
that freedom would mean
to be always haunted by the details that was once mine and his,
then I'd rather surrender my wings
and lock myself in the cage
of pretends and romantic yearnings.
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