
"I left the oven on, oh no, oh no," I chastise myself as I halt in the process of getting in my car. I can't leave. I can't leave. I have to go back and check. Why do I always do this?
I am a middle child. My brother is older, he set the pace for our family. My sister is younger, she gets what she wants. I am a middle child. My voice is not heard, my opinions are not valued. I simply am there as the center of two loud siblings. I am a middle child. Maybe I would be different if that wasn't the case.
The coil wraps around the nail as the electricity runs through. High above my head it crackles and light and light and boom lightning Tesla what am I even writing I need sleep now but I have work to do minute is up gah.
Overt your eyes. Something suspicious is happening over here. My face burns as I stand closer to the fire, closer, closer still as he beckons me forward. One more step and I'll be in the flames. The voices cry louder and louder. Breathing deeply, I look at him with a smirk and take the action I know will end my wretched life.
It's like depression. But you have to hold it back. I'm being held back. I'm suffocating. I can't breathe. LET GO OF ME. WHY ARE YOU HOLDING ME BACK. I can't let anyone know. I'm strong enough to handle you on my own. Good day.
My life is Rolling out of control
It's all downhill
I can't stop
So I keep on keeping on
Hanging on for "dear" life
Following. Come and follow me. Drop your nets and run. The nets will fish for themselves, but you must come, leave your family. Let the dead bury their dead because you are alive in me. I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. He will come, and will not be attractive in appearances, but he has come to die for your sins. Follow Him.
A toaster toasts bread. Not toast. Sorry people. If your toaster toasts toast, you have a pretty sucky toaster. Because you would have had to already toast bread and then need to toast it again. Twice-toasted toast. A toaster can always toast bread. But many toasters need not toast toast. Think again, people toasting toast.
L'instructeur. J'entends la musique en francais maintenant. Donc, je pense en francais. J'écrit en francais. Ma vie, c'est francaise.
Hoping is like hopping. You come down after going up. What one moment is an extreme high becomes a depressing low in the next. But it is cyclic. It will rise, it will fall, but the fact of rising and falling is a constant thing. Though the rate of hop(p)ing is not necessarily constant, you can stand firm and know that lows are sandwiched by highs.
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