The megaphone is a tool for the soft spoken. It yields power and a way to voice ideas that might not be heard over the hustle and bustle of many voices chattering or shouting at once. If it's meant for the quiet ideas, why do they ones with loud ideas always utilize it?
I have a crush. A crush on a feeling, more than a person. A crush on the feeling of a new mouth close to yours, when the crushing weight of tension and frustration and anticipation squeezes your lungs until your breathing just stops.
The radio is the best friend of someone who is stuck in the car. Ever since it was invented. Always being there, with a cheery voice and a song.
Limousines are the ultimate symbol of luxury. I am very lucky in that my mom loves to splurge on renting these stretched out ways of transportation, because I have been in a limousine more often than most people. To the airport, to concerts, to the ballet, to tour the city, to weddings, to birthday celebrations. Lucky, lucky, lucky.
Remember everything you told me? Because I do. And all of that shit is hard to forget. Remembering everything makes it so I can;t move past you. I can't be happy anymore. All of those memories mean nothing to you.
Despair is the ultimate low. You can't move, can't function, can barely breathe. Exasperation takes over, and between the last rolling tears you just stand there, helpless and unable to do anything about it.
Domestic goddess. The woman who can cook up a dinner for four all while keeping the kitchen spotless and wearing the most adorable 50's inspired apron. Call me old fashioned. I dream of it.
Adorable. Little black furry creature, with only a little bit of pink showing through it's nose, whiskers, and bow legged paws. Scurrying across woodland paths to go dig another underground maze.
Curiosity leads to trouble. Always. Especially if you're curious about how his lips feel. How strong they are, what they taste like, how warm he is, or how his tongue moves.
Bones are keepers of secrets. Hard, stone, white. Silent but can reveal so much. So much about the person they belonged to.
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