Keen is when you're very interested in someone. When I hear this word I always think of 'coming on too keen' in terms of dating and relationships. I wish I had someone to come across as being too keen for. Chance would be a fine thing. Keen can be spelt as 'Keane' and then be a surname, or a 2000's band name.
A racket is a noise, which one doesn't like, and usually wish would stop. Of course, a racket can be something pleasant, if you're not adverse to physical activity, and play sport such as tennis or badminton. I generally associate it with a noise (not being much of a sportswoman myself). A bad noise, for example, a party that your neighbour is having late at night, when you have to be up early in the morning. Or a baby screaming down your hear when you're not feeling too well.
A racket is a noise, which one doesn't like, and usually wish would stop. Of course, a racket can be something pleasant, if you're not adverse to physical activity, and play sport such as tennis or badminton. I generally associate it with a noise (not being much of a sportswoman myself). A bad noise, like nails on a blackboard...
When you grind, it is like a type of dancing. Grinding is what is done in clubs when you’re dancing with your lady friends, or your brothers (obviously not real brothers, that would be weird). Also you can grind things together that aren’t people to make noises that go through you, like grinding nails on a blackboard. This hurts sometimes, but some people enjoy it, I think they’re the same people who grind against their real brothers.