a concise and easily understood expression of your effect on me. the moment of exhilaration just before the plunge into great depths that are gaping and too vast to fill. the consumption of something too overwhelming to truly take in at one time. my bloodflow, when your electricity touches my razor sharp ice and sends the breakers crashing.
at times i desire you, a soft but steady craving that generally leads me to seeking you out until at last i have you in my hands, tangible and ready to soothe my fleeting wants. but most of the time you leave me with a thick tongue, and teeth that ache with the memory of too much sweetness to be a truly good thing.
he is saying everything i wanted to hear, all along. he is showing genuine emotion to back up his kind, and apologetic words. his voice is calm and understanding, he gets why i'm feeling this way. his lips eagerly reach forward to meet mine, and i am sickened.