i automatically think of the cards. the queen of hearts to be exact. i think of her as raw loyalty, to be queen of hearts? which in most cases is love. what kind of witchcraft. i assume she knows all kinds of crazy secrets of the human mind, love, and intentions alike. and yet she sits atop and watches the world because in curiosity because for some reason the king of hearts is missing.
Icicle, its simply water frozen. its just like ice cubes and nothing more. but what makes it so beautiful and mesmerizing? the fact that water and ice as magical as it looks, it cannot defy gravity. it is a friendly reminder to all of us that we are stuck here for the time being. So we might as well make the best of it <3
I often think about why i didnt get into being a boyscout. that what i think at first when i hear this word. I wonder sometimes why i never got into it or why my parents didnt think it was vital for me to be in it. I wonder sometimes if this was something that could be the butterfly effect that would or would not change the way i see things. Who knows, im still happy as it is.