music. classical music is the most refreshing, restoring genre of music ever created by man. everyone, no matter who you are or what your tastes are should at least try to appreciate the beautiful noise of string instruments and full orchestra. you'll be surprised how much you discover about yourself.
this is what we should avoid. organization in our everday lives. we need to understand that things will unfold much better if we stop trying to control everything. life is meant to unravel or come apart in it's own beautiful unruly way. let go, stop being paranoid that everything isn't in your hands. breathe and just let it go.
Megan, I love her. Shes funny. She doesn't have a filter between her mind and her mouth. Her comments are completely harmless, and if they are they hurt as much as a second grade insult. She's beautiful. She's confident. God luv her.
Fragrance, flowers, perfume. Pheromones is what I think of. His in perticular. I'll never forget the way he smells when I hugged him or kissed him, when he held me. I love it. Olfactory, what would you do without it?