Camp. I never got to go to a real camp. i have a few morman friends though and when I could go to their girls camp for free i jumped at the chance. Now I just wonder if other camps are just like morman camp. sure the ideals and initial basis behind the camp would be different but really its a bunch of girls staying in cabins, not showering, eating copious amounts of candy,, and staying up all night talking, and competing with the other cabins even to the extent of stealing thier hugh jackman poster or batman mask.
four leafed clover. lucky duck. silly moose. clover like the stuff you cook with. once when i was little i made a "potion" and i accidentally tiipped over the bottle of clover. for the rest of the day all i could smell was clover. i thought it wouldve smelled different. more green adnn less strong. it permeated everything. my day of clover. a day of luck. i wish i could remember that date. then it would be my lucky day forever more.