There are times I wish I could be a sponge. I feel so dry and empty and all I want to do is soak something in... It could be anything. A book, a place, a song, people... At times we all need to filled with these things, so we don't run dry.
I don't know many avenues. I've grown up in the country my entire life. It's always long dirt roads... never avenues criss-crossing streets. I like that simplicity. It has given my life a sense of innocence that I wouldn't have if I would have grown up in town.
The mist. The mist floats in the valley as I drive the same beautiful, winding country road every morning on my way to work. Honestly, all I can think is, "DEMENTORS!"
This makes me think of The Proposal with Reynolds and Bullock. I died of laughter the first few times I saw that movie, but sadly, now it's kind of annoying to watch. I wish it could have stayed funny forever. I love Sandy B. This was a weird little blurb to write...
To destroy. Right now that seems like such a horrible thing. Our world is gradually being destroyed, it seems. It helps in a way for me... It keeps me clinging to my faith. I'm clinging to the idea that life will end, and I will go to a perfect world.
May the force be with you. May the fourth. I've never actually seen Star Wars, and it's really sad because I'm a self-proclaimed nerd. Quite sad. I should get on that. Something is missing in my life.
Silk. Smooth. The feeling of being calm and serene. Like the way a lake looks at sunset once it settles. The slight waves look like silk on the surface, shining and sparkling in the twilight.
The sun is boiling hot. Thank the Lord for the breeze pushing the heat away. I can't imagine living anywhere warm. Minnesota is the perfect combination of boiling and freezing.
Our roots give us support and life. We are standing strong because of the grounding we have grown up. No roots are alike. They're all so complex and crazy beautiful.